Komarinski & Associates, LLC is a New York company that has over 25 years of hands-on experience with identification technologies. This provides a unique insight and expertise in the following areas:
Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems
- Specifications
- Evaluation
- Acquisition
- Testing
- Training
- Interoperability of Identification Systems
Latent Fingerprint Processing
- Processing Theory
- Best Practices
- Expanded use of Unsolved Latent (UL) File
- Training
- Resource Allocation
Current and Emerging Biometric Technologies
- Acquisition Issues
- Matching Issues
- Verification and Processing
- Training
Future Challenges
- System Platform Upgrades
- Changes in National Standards
- Move to Automated Biometric Identification Systems
- Next Generation Identification (FBI NGI)
For more detail about expertise and past engagements you may contact us or learn more about us.